Magical Fairy Tale Movies
Fairy tale retellings strike a special chord in our hearts. We all know the stories of Cinderella, Snow White, and Sleeping Beauty - mostly from the classic Disney cartoons.
But recently, movie-makers are looking to experiment with fairy tale movies. Unexpected twists on old favorites, or remakes of older retellings are everywhere.
Here are some of my favorites:
But recently, movie-makers are looking to experiment with fairy tale movies. Unexpected twists on old favorites, or remakes of older retellings are everywhere.
Here are some of my favorites:
1. Maleficent
This spectacular movie was released by Disney Pictures in 2014. It retells the story of Sleeping Beauty from the perspective of the evil Queen - who turns out not to be as evil as we first thought. This movie has a beautifully realized backdrop, as well as a few interesting twists in the classic fairy tale (Maleficent becomes a sort of fairy godmother to Aurora, for example). We also get to see Maleficent's backstory - one that makes her less of a heartless villain, and more of a sympathetic one.
This is a story of love, and it is honestly breathtaking and beautiful. Prepare to be amazed.
As it turns out, Maleficent has a heart.
2. Snow White and the Huntsman
Imagine Snow White as a warrior. The huntsman as a rather reluctant mentor. The evil queen with a brother, and the magic mirror as a being made of liquid metal. If you can imagine that, you have Snow White and the Huntsman.
While the character of Snow White was not particularly well developed, the other characters - especially the Huntsman - are not only likeable, but add a whole new layer to the classic story. While the plot line is fairly predictable, the movie is still worth the watch for these characters.
3. Beauty and the Beast (2017)
This movie, also done by Disney, is beautiful. Plus, it's a musical, which adds another star in my books. It's the familiar story we all know and love, remade to include new songs while still keeping with the spirit of the original. It's a classic tale of love and true beauty.
The CGI in this film was stunning, with character redesigns that pay homage to their origins while adding a whole new layer of realism to the story.
Add this movie to your "to watch" list - you won't regret it!
These are three of my favorite fairy tale movies. Do you have any that didn't make it onto this list? Have you seen any of these? Let me know in the comments!
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